User Stories

This document includes a list of user stories we target in Chronicle.

User stories that are fully implemented and verified are checked, user stories with automated testing implemented, will have the testing method labeled.

Identity and login

  • As a user, I can sign in and sign out of the application using correct credentials (e2e)
  • As a user, I can update their password and sign in with updated password (e2e)
  • As a user, when I try to login from a disallowed IP source, an error message should be displayed to the user (jest)

Identity and access control

IP Allowlist

  • As an Owner, I want to be able to update the IP Whitelist, so I can prevent offsite activities. (e2e)
  • As an Owner, I want to ensure my staff cannot access the data from an unknown IP address. So I can protect the privacy of my customers
  • As a staff member, I want to be able to add staff to the system, so other staff could access the system as well. (e2e)

Staff management

  • As a staff, I want to be able to reset another staff's account password, so they can regain access if they forgot their password
  • As a staff member, I want to be able to view the email and role details of another staff (e2e)
  • As a staff member, I want to be able to suspend other staff accounts so I can prevent them from accessing the system. (e2e)
  • [] As a staff member, I want to be able to delete a staff account, so I can remove their personal information from the system.

Role Management

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to view the roles created for my company, so I can create missing roles and update existing ones. (e2e)
  • As an owner, I want to be able to view the IP addresses I allowlisted and add new ones and remove old ones, so I can adapt to company network changes.
  • As a staff member, I want to be able to create roles, so that nothing more than the required permissions are given. (e2e)
  • As a staff member, I want to be able to update staff roles, so other staff can get access to what they need. (e2e)
  • As a staff member, I want to be able to update other staff account's details, so that their information can be up to date.
  • As a staff member, I want to be able to delete an unused role so other staff doesn't become confused and accidentally use the role
  • As a staff member, I want to be able to update existing roles, so that only the correct permissions are given to other staff.
  • As a staff member, I want to be able to sign into the dashboard using my username and password


  • As a staff member, I should be able to create treatment or physical goods
  • As a staff member, I should be able to update the price of physical goods
  • As a staff member, I should be able to support internal client's own id in the form of an SKU
  • As a staff member, I should be able to support universal barcode scanning for physical goods
  • As a staff member, I should be able to update all attributes of a product
  • As a staff member, I should be able to delete inventory items that are not used in an activity entry
  • As a staff member, I should be able to find inventory items by names
  • As a staff member, I should be able to find inventory items by SKU
  • As a staff member, I should be able to find physical goods by barcode
  • As a staff member, I should be able to manage variants and automatically generate a table of variants based on options
  • As a staff member, I should be able to manage variants and change price/SKU/barcode for each item
  • As a staff member, I should be able to manage variants and customize product options (option name, list of options)
  • As a staff member, I should be able to mark a product/service as unavailable
  • As a staff member, I should be able to manage variants and change price/SKU/barcode for any number of variants selected (stretch goal)

Data Reporting

  • As a BA staff, I want to see the total spending per customer in a set period of time

  • As a manager, I want to see the revenue generated by each practitioner in a set period of time

  • As a procurement staff, I want to see the total sales of each product in a set period of time

  • As an owner, I want standard reports sent to me on a periodic basis (EOD/EOW)

  • As an owner, I want to be able to specify what information is in a report

  • As an owner, I want to be able to see the list of activities that were performed at a specified period of time

  • As an owner, I want to be able to see the items and variations bought by customers during a specified period of time

  • As an owner, I want to be able to view membership attendance and new members onboarded


  • The system shall record when a staff member edits a form response

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to make edits to a form response

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to create a form

  • The system shall have preset forms with the following fields
    - customer info: first name, last name, DoB, sex, email, phone number
    - medical record: height, weight, allergies, conditions, additional notes
    - membership purchase/renewal (out of mvp scope): email, phone number (tied to customer info) level, date
    - Activity Entry: treatment, price, date/time, general notes, critical notes, and photos
    - Purchase/Transaction entry: product name, size, barcode, price

  • The system should validate data before writing to the database to ensure consistency.

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to create new fields on an existing form

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to delete fields on a existing form

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to view form responses

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to view forms

  • The system shall have a unique ID for each customer

  • The system shall validate fields of a form before saving to the database.

  • The system shall associate form responses with the respective customer and provider

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to delete a form

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to fill out a form response

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to add sections to a form

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to delete sections on a form

  • As a staff member, I want to be able to update the order of the fields, so I can save time if I make a mistake making the form.

  • As a provider, I should be able to search for specific entries involved with specific customers.

  • As a provider, I should be able to view all a customer’s entries under their profile