Customer profile

Chronicle allows you to keep track of customer information and balance within the application. By default, Chronicle requires the name and email of the customer and allows you to also collect the phone number, date of birth and gender of the customer. You can use custom forms to collect more information that is not already collected by the application

Create a new customer


  1. Select customer profiles on the side drawer.
  2. Click New customer at the top of the page.
  3. Fill in the form and press save
  4. You can add custom forms to the customer using the custom forms card.
    1. Click on New form
    2. Select the form you want to add
    3. Fill in the form
    4. Click Save changes

Update a customer profile


  1. Select customer profiles on the side drawer.
  2. Select the customer you want to update
  3. Update the data in the form and press save

To update the customer's custom form, use the Custom forms module.

Top-up customer account


  1. Select customer profiles on the side drawer.
  2. Select the customer you want to top-up
  3. Click Top up account in the balance and transactions card
  4. Enter the top up amount and add an optional description to the transaction
  5. Press proceed, then press confirm in the confirmation dialog

Adjust customer balance

If you notice an error with the customer's balance you can make an adjustment to the balance on the customer's details page.


  1. Select customer profiles on the side drawer.
  2. Select the customer you want to perform balance adjustment on
  3. Click Adjust balance in the balance and transactions card
  4. Select the adjustment type
    1. Positive adjustment adds to the customer's balance
    2. Negative adjustment subtracts from the customer's balance
  5. Enter the adjustment amount and add an optional description to the transaction
  6. Press proceed, then press confirm in the confirmation dialog