Chronicle allows you to manage your product and service inventory inside the app. The inventory can then be applied to activity entries and charged to the customers.
Inventory concepts
An activity is a service performed to a customer, each activity entry can only have a single service. If a customer receives multiple services, multiple activity entries must be created.
A product is a physical item sold to the customer, an activity entry can have any number of products sold.
Create a new inventory item
Activity (service)
- Access Inventory using the side drawer
- Make sure the Activities tap is highlighted on the page, if not click Activities
- Click Create
- Provide the name and price information for the service
- Press save at the bottom of the page
- Access Inventory using the side drawer
- Make sure the Product tap is highlighted on the page
- Click Create
- Provide the name and brand information for the product
- Click Add new variant to add a variant to the product, then complete the fields of the dialog. (every product must have at least one variant)
- The variant descriptor can be used to describe the specific variant, for example size, capacity, color, etc.
- The price of the variant.
- A unique barcode for identifying the product
- Press save at the bottom of the page
Update an existing inventory item
- Access Inventory using the side drawer
- Make sure the Activity tap is highlighted on the page
- Click the activity entry you want to update
- You can update the activity name and price
- Press save at the bottom of the page
- Access Inventory using the side drawer
- Make sure the Product tap is highlighted on the page
- Click the product entry you want to update
- You can update the product name and brand
- Press save at the bottom of the page
You can also update a product's variant information.
- Go the the product details page you want to update.
- Click on the variant you want to update.
- Update the values in the form.
- Press save